Recently, I encountered something very problematic. I deleted a chat sent to my client, but incoming and sent forgetting there was an image and text detailing some vital information. At first, I was melancholic and after few minutes, I was able to recall a trick I normally use to recover deleted images and messages on whatsapp.

For quite some months now, I’ve been making use of this, although I had a trick have been using for years but it’s not as effective as the one I’m about sharing to you guys now. However, I would be sharing both tricks because I believe that most of you visiting this article, there are two things involved; it’s either you already made the mistake (this is where the old trick comes in) or you haven’t made the mistake but want to take precaution (this is where the new trick comes in).

So, in this article, I would be detailing you guys on two proven ways to recover deleted chats on whatsapp. The first proven way is my old trick and highly recommended for an already happened scenario while the other is recommended for precautionary motive.

Retrieve deleted images and message on whatsapp

  1. Manual Recovery Process – Old trick that works for already deleted messages

I’ve been using this trick for years now. As known, whatsapp keeps a backup file every day for all recent chat history. This backup is saved in external memory of our device. So as long as these chat is not more than 7days old, recovery is easy.

All you need to do is follow the below instruction as I guide you through the process;

Step 1: on your device, uninstall whatsapp. Then go to Memory Card > WhatsApp > Databases. When you get to the folder, you will encounter different chat history (i.e. msgstore-date format.db.crypt) date format normally go as YYYY-MM-DD.

Step 2: next, rename the msgstore file to any related name (i.e. msgstore.db.crypt).

Step 3: Install whatsapp and tap restore.

This would help recover your previous chat history. Please before you follow above process; make sure you’ve backed up your recent chat history because after following this process, you would lose the most recent whatsapp messages. But if you wish to recover recent chat history without losing newest chats, you can do this via WhatsApp > Menu Button > Settings > Chat Settings > Backup conversations.

  1. Automated Recovery Process – Latest trick that works precautionary

Recently, I discovered an application that helps do the work. This process is very handy and automated, you save yourself the stress and time walking through the process. Simply follow the below instruction to execute this;

Step 1: download “WhatsRemoved” application from playstore. Install the app and launch.

Step 2: after you must have launched the application, you select a recovery process from three options provided to you. This is as shown in the image below.

Step 3: next, grant the application the necessary permissions including accessing your gallery. This would enable it perform its work efficiently.

Step 4: Now, I advise you follow this part well. As known, “whatsremoved” needs specific access to notifications. Therefore, you would need to enable “Read notification data” in notification access as seen in the image below.

Once all permission as explained above is granted, whenever a sender deletes a message, you get notified and able to retrieve the message. This process helps to recover any recently deleted whatsapp message. Same thing happens when images are deleted. But also note that, if the image is not downloaded, it won’t be recovered as you disabled auto download from whatsapp settings. Check out how to hide WhatsApp private chats and also how to automatically send WhatsApp messages.

I hope after going through the above content, you were able to solve your problem. If you have any related question or encountered any issue during the process, do let me know via comment section. Also feel free to share this article on your social pages.