If you’re looking forward to fix the issue with PS3 DNS Error (80710101 and 80710102), then you’re the right place. As I will brief you on everything you need to know about PS3 DNS Error, why it happens and also how to fix it.

Recently, I was trying to connect my PS3 to the internet so that I can get on with my Netflix and watch some cool seasonal movies. Tried so many troubleshooting procedure, and none but this which about to reveal worked for me. Before I detail you on how to fix PS3 DNS Error, I would first tell you what this error means.

What Does PS3 DNS Error Means?

PS3 DNS Error is a an error code or error message that displays on the Playstation 3 whenever there is a connection timeout when trying to connect the PS3 to the Internet service provider’s (ISP) domain name server (DNS). It’s made known that this connection issues can be fixed once you’ve contacted them, but don’t worry, there’s a way to bypass such.

There are 2 ways to fix this type of error, and sometimes, the error with code number 80710102 can be so stressful to fix, but don’t worry, the 2methods I’ll b revealing are very simple.

Read also: [Solved] Err_Connection_Refused Error in Google Chrome


Method 1 – PS3 DNS Error [Easy fix]

I call this an easy fix because it requires little task and you’re done. As known, the DNS error might be as a result of hardware issue, maybe little connection problem on hardware. So if you’re set to fix the PS3 DNS error, simply follow the below procedure.
1.       Firstly, power off your PS3 console and then Press and hold the power button until the PS3 console beeps twice. Remember, the first beep powers it on and second beep powers it off. Make sure that same procedure is repeated again till you get a message that displays on the screen, “Plug your controller in using the USB to continue”.
2.       Next, you’re to unplug both the power cable and Ethernet cable from the device. Also make sure that the power cable on router and Ethernet is unplugged.
3.       Wait for about 20seconds before you connect every cable and power on your PS3 console. Also try to test other Ethernet ports if your router ha multiple ports.
Once your PS3 console is powered on, then the problem is solved. You won’t be experiencing the PS3 DNS error with code number 80710101 or 80710102. But if the error still insist to be eradicated, just know that the problem is not a connection issue, but a problem that you’re to fix from inside the PS3 console, and that’s where the second method comes into use.

Method 2 – PS3 DNS Error [Soft Fix]

As I explained earlier, the PS3 DNS error can either be a connection issue or something you’ve to fix from the software part of the device (troubleshooting). So, follow the below procedure to solve the PS3 DNS error issue.
1.       So, for the fix, simply go to Network settings >> Internet connection settings. It will then show you a prompt if you want to adjust network settings or make wired connection which requires a connected Ethernet… simply click OK.
2.       Next, you’re to select a method, simply select custom.
3.       Another interface would be shown to you asking if the connection method is wireless or wired connection. Once it’s wired, then make use of auto detect as the Ethernet operation mode, but if it’s wireless, then scan and select your Wi-Fi and input password.
4.       Once you’ve input your password, then follow the below configurations.

IP Address settings: Automatic

DHCP Host name: Do not set
DNS Settings: Manual
Primary DNS: or
Secondary DNS: or
MTU: Automatic
Proxy Server: Do Not Use
UPnP: Enable
Once you’ve completed the above configuration, go back and sign in and you would notice that the PS3 DNS error is solved. Feel free to let me know via comment section if you’re facing any other related problem with your PS3 Console.